This week has been busy. The quantum mechanics class I have been taking has focused on exploring the uses of the bra and ket notation. We have used this notation to generalize changes from various observational bases in both finite and continuous cases. Of special importance to my project, we looked at the transformations of a two state system.
Under the advisement of Dr Granger, Matt Curry (a fellow GSoC student) and I have spent some time looking at the Sympy code while trying to mimic some of its functionality in our own code. This has helped us learn about some of the neat Python tricks Sympy has used to function. For example, Sympy uses Python operator methods (such as __mul__ or __add__) to convert mathematical expressions involving objects into complicated symbolic expression objects. This has led us to notice functions such as Simpify which convert Python number objects into specialized Sympy objects--This allows the rewriting of many methods within the class. Writing code that functions similar to Sympy's has helped me get a better understanding of how it all works.
Overall, I'm very excited to begin work on coding for the Sympy project.